Lucille's Home Cookin', 150 W. Howard Street in Crothersville, IN is a little more than 60 miles south of Indy's southside on the old US 31. We were coming back from a weekend in Louisville (see previous post "Louisville: the Hungry Drunk's Paradise) and driving the old road because 1) The Little Woman (who has been in two serious car accidents when she was younger) hates the traffic-congested, semi-truck infested Interstate Highways, 2) she hates the way I drive and figures we have a better chance of surviving a lower-speed crash by taking the old road, and 3) I like the taking the old roads for the scenery-- If you want more speed, take a danged airplane! Anyway, we came to the only stoplight in downtown Crothersville and looking to the west I spied a 3' x 4' neon sign that simply said "EAT". Intrigued, I steered us into the parking lot of a tidy little commercial storefront with an apartment above. In the window was a chalkboard sign announcing "Lucille's Last Sunday Brunch", and I was sold, though my lovely wife had mixed feelings but knows when the Adventure Eating bug crawls in my ear and bite into my brain, I am no longer under in control.
The brunch buffet had about 10 items: fried whitefish strips, pork cutlets cooked with apple wedges, and a host of home style side items, along with a number of cakes/cookies for dessert. All in all it was a good home-cooked style meal in a little storefront location, but when the bill came-- ouch! It was $15/person, a little steep for such a small buffet, I thought. Still, we did enjoy the ambiance, and the experience.