Monday, March 29, 2021

The Humble Taco: Classy, Tasty, and a little Pricey

The Humble Taco at 172 Melody Lane in Greenwood just opened in the space formerly occupied by a location of the defunct local chain The Stacked Pickle, which was decent but fell victim (they said) to The Pandemic. It's kind of ironic that THT just opened March 1, 2021 and is likely enjoying success partly because of this stage of our living with the virus.  There was a 2-hour wait when we tried to go there that first week-- it was the first warm days of Spring and new restaurant openings had been very few in number since The Big P started, so I think the severely cabin-fevered public was ready to get the HELL out of the house and GO EAT somewhere nice. We gave up trying to get in and went to Indy's Mi Abuelito instead that day (see review above) and were pleasantly surprised. 

The Lovely Woman and I came back to THT a week or so later in the middle of a weekday afternoon and were immediately seated.  They've opened up the dining room from its Stacked Pickle days and the high ceiling made it seem quite light and airy (although in my experience that tends to make it rather noisy, too, during the busiest times). The new owners are experienced restauranteurs and you could tell by the excellent and very fast service we received.

The menu is very similar to that of the Agave & Rye chain in the Cincinnati and Louisville areas, mostly designer tacos which are not authentic Mexican and range from $3 to $5 each-- you'll probably need at least 2 to make a meal since they're a little small (I thought) for the price. But here's the thing: they are FREAKIN' DELICIOUS! I forget the names of the two I had-- one was the Pulled Pork PBJ, I think, and the other was the Cheeseburger, maybe?  It had cheesy spicy ground beef and home fries, little cubes of fried potato, in a flour tortilla.  Both were excellently seasoned, substantial,  and quite satisfying in their own way.  I had a side of rice as well, which itself was a culinary masterpiece, smokey flavored, fluffy and thick.  TLW had a Taco Salad, which was big, perhaps a better value, and a little different from any other I've had.  The pastry crust shell was fried a little hard but that gave it a toasty flavor and kept it from losing its molecular integrity due to the moisture from the salad ingredients, which were a little light on the lettuce and heavy on other components, which was a GOOD thing, to me.

I had a bottle Modelo and TLW had their signature Watermelon Margarita, which was excellent, but both were at a price that would keep this $$ guy from ordering more than one.  With all that cheap bastard stuff said, however, I have to say we loved the place and will soon return.  iCOMEMOS, DUDE!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Mi Abuelito: More of Everything!

 Mi Abuelito is (sigh) in a strip mall on the east side of the 8300 block of South US31, in yet another of those black holes of the business universe where each new entity soon disappears: It's been 4 or 6 different types of restaurants or bars in the last 10 years or so. Mi Abuelito has been open for about 6 weeks. There is another Mi Abuelito in Franklin, Indiana, but I dunno if the two are connected.   We stumbled upon this place after finding that the newly opened Humble Taco (review to come) had a two-hour wait:  This $$ guy despises waiting in lines, traffic jams, or on hold, and I'm glad we didn't wait....

Mi Abuelito has more of an upscale appearance than most other Mexican restaurants, very beautiful with a LOT of colorful carved furniture and wall decorations.  The artsy menu also had slighly higher prices than I expected, but it was our night out, so WTH.  The Little Woman had a 3-taco plate and I ordered the Fajitas de Lujo (de Luxe).  TLW ordered a Jalapeno Margarita to drink, and when they asked what size she wanted, she said the largest one, not knowing how big that was-- turns out it was a whopping 58 ouncea, so we shared it.  It was delicious but not overly strong, and the jalapenos added a nice zest to the tart sweetness of the margarita mix.

TLW's tacos were very, very good-- traditional with lots of cilantro and nicely browned ground beef. My fajitas were excellent, a GIANT mound of meats, including a large barbecued pork rib, mixed with a decent amount of green peppers and onions. My motto is "leftovers are for quitters", but for one of only a few times in my life I had to admit it was more than I could eat, and in fact there was so much there that it made for lunch the next day for both of us!  In sum, Mi Abuelito is a great Mexican Restaurant, not because it's radically different, but because it does all the usual dishes very well and in a big, BIG way.  iComemos!