Tuesday, January 12, 2021

YATS spelled backwards is STAY, but I saw no reason to do so, even if you could.

YATS, the southside location of which is on US 31 across from Greenwood Park Mall is, like almost everything else, in a strip mall. It has a fairly simple dining room which is closed presently due to the pandemic, but you have to enter the store and go to the counter in the back to order your stuff to-go (although you may be able to get curb service, I dunno. I didn't see or try to find out-- this is a blog not a research paper, 'kay?) If you didn't know, YATS is ostensibly Cajun cuisine, though it was hard for me to tell except for the framed photos of New Orleans locations on the walls. Pretty much everything on the menu is a type of stew or soup: The Little Woman had some sort of Spicy Etouffee and I had White Chicken Chili, both of which seemed to us to lack any seasoning or flavor, although the few and far between bits of crawfish in the etouffee were nice.  Perhaps I was mistaken when I assumed that Cajun food was supposed to be rather nicely seasoned like it was at Zydeco's when I went some time ago.  Not so at YATS. The only positive thing I can say (and you know that's unusual for me) is that the prices were fairly reasonable for the quantity of food you receive, bland though it be. And that's all I have to say about that....

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