Monday, April 5, 2021

Grillerz in Nineveh: I so WANTED to love it!

Grillerz doesn't look like much from the outside, but inside it is maybe the ultimate place to relax and have a drink. It sits in "downtown" Nineveh, which is eight or nine business buildings clustered around the 4-way stop at the corner of Nineveh Road and Hospital Road. The family dining room and the bar have that timber-frame hunting lodge/lake house kind of ambiance that I love, with lots of rough-hewn but polished wood, thick carpet, and in the bar a just-right dimness of lighting that puts you at ease. They have a good-sized parking lot and a nice deck in back of the building. The deck has some fixed benches and room for outdoor tables which they hadn't put out yet, owing to the cold today/hot tamale weather that is Spring in Indiana.  

I love just hanging out in there, and there's nothing really bad I can say about the place, especially the friendly service. It's just that there are a few things that don't wow me like I wish they would.  Although all the food there is decent, I have yet to find a dish that I really love.  The drinks are decent, too, and like the food not outrageously priced but still more than $$ cheap bastards like me want to pay. The online menu did mention some $2 draft pints on a certain day of the week, but this, as Aragorn says in Lord of the Rings, was not that day. I opted for the $4 Tito's Handmade Vodka that was on special, and that mixed with club soda and lime made an excellent drink. 

The Lovely Woman and I shared a Breaded Tenderloin sandwich which came with a side, so we chose onion rings.  I also ordered a bowl of French Onion Soup to make sure we didn't leave hungry. The tenderloin was a decent size and thickness, but lacked something-- seasoning, maybe?  The onion rings similarly were decent but (sorry, Cliche Police) nothing to write home about.  Everyone has a different preference, I suppose, but I don't really love rings that have such a thick coating that when you bite into them the onion doesn't separate and comes out in one long string, leaving you with an empty tube. of fried dough.  The soup, too, was quite edible but not outstanding.  I'm not sure what makes one French Onion Soup better than another, but this one just didn't have it. Still, I really like the Grillerz experience and we will likely visit there again to have a couple drinks whenever we get anywhere near Nineveh, hopefully after it warms up for good and the deck is open. Cheers!


  1. First time in recorded history that the town of Nineveh was associated with a Lord of the Rings reference. Slainte!

  2. Nineveh also has a bakery that is occasionally open, a gas station that the pumps occasionally work at, a bait shop that occasionally open a Mexican restaurant and a liquor store... LMAO
